I received my stem cell transplant for Lyme disease fourteen months ago and am very happy with the results. My symptoms of brain fog, fatigue, bone, foot, back, and neck pain, neurological problems, and relapsing fevers have all been greatly reduced since receiving my treatment. Prior to this my recovery had been plateaued for over a year. Michael and his carefully chosen team are caring, supportive and very thorough. They are all deeply knowledgeable about chronic illness and work hard to make sure everyone has individualized therapies tailored to their unique situation. The clinic environment is so calm and peaceful that you won’t want to leave! After treatment Michael provided Skype appointments as-needed and was available to answer any questions and provide reassurance and recommendations throughout the healing process. I would recommend Villa MediGrun to anyone seeking stem cells for chronic Lyme.

Dr. Albert Lymestein, aka Michael Wittstadt, is an amazing and compassionate doctor. He "gets" this illness and knows how to treat it with stem cells, glandular medicine, supportive infusions and other natural therapies. He understands the connections with Lyme and thymus injury that not a single doctor in the U.S. has ever mentioned. He can even measure if your thymus has been corrected to Th1/Th2 function balance. I think this is one of the reasons that stem cell therapy at his clinic is more successful than getting stem cells elsewhere.
Alix MayerUSAPatientin

Ich leide seit ca. sechs Jahren an COPD Gold IV Lungenemphysem.
Seit ca. fünf Jahren bin ich zusätzlich in Behandlung bei Herrn Wittstadt. Sauerstoffbehandlung, Vitamin-Infusionen und Stammzellentherapie geben mir ein Stück Lebensqualität zurück.
Seine Beratung und Behandlungsmethoden haben mir sehr geholfen und werden auch weiterhin hilfreich sein.
Ich kann ihn und sein Team nur weiterempfehlen. Menschlichkeit, Ehrlichkeit, Kompetenz, Zeit und Einfühlungsvermögen sind das Wichtigste und stehen an erster Stelle.
Es wird alles dafür getan, dass sich der Patient wohlfühlt und dass seine Krankheiten und Probleme ernst genommen und alternativ behandelt werden.
Anneliese KnewitzDeutschlandPatientin

Na 8 jaar doodziek door chronische Lyme en Bartonella, en alle andere behandelingen al geprobeerd te hebben, las ik over stamcelbehandeling in Duitsland. Ik zat inmiddels al jaren in een rolstoel, had veel pijn en neurologische klachten. Villa Medigrün sprak mij gelijk aan, ook omdat ze beenmergstamcellen gebruiken. Het is een zeer fijne kliniek met fantastisch personeel. Kleinschalig en met veel persoonlijke aandacht. Het is nu ruim een jaar geleden sinds mijn behandeling en ik kan inmiddels weer gewoon lopen en fietsen en alles wat een normaal gezond mens kan doen. Ik kan deze kliniek zeer zeker aanraden
Leonike van WilgenburgNiederlandePatientin

In May of 2018, I received a stem cell (bone marrow) transplant for my late stage Lyme disease. My chief complaints were extreme fatigue, bone and muscle pain, brain fog, memory/concentration issues, and whole body inflammation. Just prior to stems, I was diagnosed with a cardiac issue that was attributed to Lyme. From the pre-stem cell recommendations to my three week stay at the clinic, Michael Wittstadt and his staff were incredible. They made sure I had nothing to worry about so I could focus on just my healing...transportation, laundry, grocery shopping...whatever we needed was taken care of. Post treatment, Michael has always been available to answer any questions or concerns I have had. Thank you, Michael and all of your staff for giving me my life back!
Kimberly KrauseUSAPatientin

My name is Brooke B., and I was a 17-year-old Lyme Disease patient when I went to Villa MediGrün for a stem cell transplant and additional treatment. After years of struggling with a myriad of symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, chronic pain, and heart arrhythmias, Michael’s thorough and natural approach to medicine was a breath of fresh air that completely changed my life. […]Villa MediGrün’s personalized care did not end when I left Germany. They formulated a customized at-home plan that was effective and easy to follow. Michael checked in frequently to make sure the treatment was working and to make any necessary adjustments based on my observations and symptoms. When new issues occurred, he always had ideas on how to fix them.
Because of the stem cell transplant and at-home treatment plan, I was able to graduate high school as the valedictorian of my class, and I will be able to attend college next fall. Additionally, I have the energy to exercise every day and have resumed all the activities I used to enjoy before getting sick.
Brooke B.USAPatientin